Liquid Oil Synthesis Using Pyrolysis with Natural Zeolite Catalyst

Adhi Setiawan, Vivin Setiani, Dika Rahayu Widiana, Okta Salsha Mazdhatina


Currently, the rapid population growth is increase makes fuel needs increases and fuel availability’s increasingly limited. Utilization of LDPE and PP plastic waste can be an alternative in processing waste into fuel. This research aimed to analyze effect of using calcined natural zeolite catalyst and plastic composition on the pyrolysis oil product characteristics. Pyrolysis was carried out for 4 hours at a temperature of 3250C on LDPE and PP plastic waste to produce oil. Plastic composition for pyrolysisconsist of LPDE 100%, LDPE 75%: PP 25%, and LDPE 25%: PP 75%. The mass of the catalyst used in the pyrolysis process is 0.75 kg. Pyrolysis oil product test parametersconsisting of density, flash point, kinematic viscosity, caloric value, and chemical composition. The results of this study indicate that increasethe PP composition in the pyrolysis process tends to cause a decrease in oil yield. The maximum oil yield obtained was 23.03% in sample with LDPE 100%. The characteristics of the pyrolysis oil were obtained including a density of 743−753 kg/m3, a viscosity of 0.417−0.442 cSt, a flash point of 26.94-27.22oC, a caloric value of 45.73−45.98 MJ/kg. Hydrocarbon content of pyrolysis oil light fraction has similarities to hydrocarbon content of gasoline which is composed of C4−C11 carbon atoms.Currently, the rapid population growth is increase makes fuel needs increases and fuel availability’s increasingly limited. Utilization of LDPE and PP plastic waste can be an alternative in processing waste into fuel. This research aimed to analyze effect of using calcined natural zeolite catalyst and plastic composition on the pyrolysis oil product characteristics. Pyrolysis was carried out for 4 hours at a temperature of 3250C on LDPE and PP plastic waste to produce oil. Plastic composition for pyrolysisconsist of LPDE 100%, LDPE 75%: PP 25%, and LDPE 25%: PP 75%. The mass of the catalyst used in the pyrolysis process is 0.75 kg. Pyrolysis oil product test parametersconsisting of density, flash point, kinematic viscosity, caloric value, and chemical composition. The results of this study indicate that increasethe PP composition in the pyrolysis process tends to cause a decrease in oil yield. The maximum oil yield obtained was 23.03% in sample with LDPE 100%. The characteristics of the pyrolysis oil were obtained including a density of 743−753 kg/m3, a viscosity of 0.417−0.442 cSt, a flash point of 26.94-27.22oC, a caloric value of 45.73−45.98 MJ/kg. Hydrocarbon content of pyrolysis oil light fraction has similarities to hydrocarbon content of gasoline which is composed of C4−C11 carbon atoms.


Pyrolysis, plastic waste, natural zeolite, pyrolysis oil, catalyst

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