Effect of Biogas Flow Rate in Carbon Dioxide Purification Process with Pumice Adsorber

Rudy Sutanto, Sujita Darmo


Biogas is an alternative energy solution that could be a replacement for fossil fuels energy cheap and environmentally friendly. The composition of biogas is CH4, CO2, N2, H2, O2 and H2S. CH4 is the main element in the biogas which has a high calorific value. In addition to the indispensable CH4 there is also a CO2 content that actually interfere with or damage. If this element is present in biogas, it will disturb the combustion process itself. Therefore, it takes effort to reduce levels of CO2 are expected to raise the quality of biogas. The study was conducted to reduce levels of CO2 in the biogas using absorbent pumice sludge. The method used in this study is true experiment that is taking into account variations in the flow rate of biogas (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 l/min) were passed through the absorbent. Next will be examined levels of CO2 absorbed and CH4 using gascromatography method. Results of research have shown that the greater the biogas flow rate passing through the absorbent pumice sludge then CO2 gas levels decline with an average decrease of 14.38%, but contrary to methane gas levels rose an average of 11.79 % for each time the changes of biogas flow rate.


biogas, purification, pumice, biogas flow rate, Carbon dioxide

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v32.1.4283


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