Discovery Learning Based E-Modul Development On the Acid Base Tiration Material for Class XI Senior High School

Fanny Putri Utami, Hardeli Hardeli


The 2013 curriculum requires students to be active, productive and innovative during the learning process at school so that to achieve these goals it is carried out using a scientific approach. The scientific approach requires a learning model in its development. The learning model used in this research is discovery learning. This study aims to develop an acid-base titration e-module based on discovery learning. The development model used is the plomp model which has 3 development stages, namely preliminary research, development or prototyping phase and assessment phase. This research is limited to the level of validity and practicality of the developed e-module. The instrument used in this research is a validity and practicality of the questionnaire. The subject of this study were 3 UNP chemistry lecturers, 3 chemistry teachers and 18 students of class XI at SMAN 14 Padang. The data obtained from the validity test were analyzed using Aikens V and practicality was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The average content validity analysis result obtained is 0,82 with a valid category, the average construct validity data analysis result obtained is 0,85 with a valid category and the average media validity data analysis result is 0,94 with valid categories. The average result of the practicality data analysis by the teacher is 84% wtih a very high practicality category. The average result of practicality data analysis by students in the small group test is 86% with a very high practicality category and the average data analysis result in the field test is 88% with a very high practicality category. For further researchers, they can test the effectiveness of this discovery learning based acid-base titration e-module.


E-Module, Validity, Practicality,Discovery Learning,Acid-Base Titration.

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