Analysis of Vannamei (Litopenaeus Vannamei) in Agroindustry Supply Chain

Iid Mufaidah, Tartila Fitri, Rizka Putri Ramadhani, Sony Suwasono, Yuli Wibowo, Mochamad Asrofi, Anwar Zen Jatmiko


Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) agroindustry is an agroindustry that has big challenges, namely the characteristics of perishable products, quantity availability, product quality, customer service and competitive prices for consumers. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the business process to find out the conditions and problems that exist in the vannamei shrimp supply chain. This study aims to determine the business process and supply chain flow of vannamei shrimp in Banyuwangi Regency. Supply chain analysis is carried out on every activity carried out during the vannamei shrimp production process from upstream to downstream. The vannamei shrimp supply chain study was conducted in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province. The selection of locations and respondents was carried out by purposive sampling technique based on the criteria as the location of vannamei shrimp production centers and the representation of all information needed in the supply chain. This research method uses descriptive analysis to determine business processes and supply chain activities. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the condition of the vannamei shrimp agro-industry supply chain that was formed was optimal. It is shown that the vannamei shrimp market is a captive market where the market or customer for the frozen vannamei shrimp is certain and the cooperation of every stakeholder in the supply chain is based on a contractual relationship.


agroindustry; supply chain; litopenaeus vannamei; captive market

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