Water Level Fluctuation Analysis in Segment 3 Jakabaring Sport City Channels, Palembang, Indonesia

Adhi Satriawan, Achmad Syarifudin


Based on the division of river areas in the city of Palembang, there are 21 sub-watersheds, but only 18 sub-watersheds that lead directly to the Musi river, namely the Rengas Lacak, Gandus, Lambidaro, Boang, Sekanak, Bendung, Lawang Kidul, Buah, Juaro, Batang sub-watersheds. , Sei Lively, Keramasan, Kertapati, Kedukan Ulu, Aur, Sriguna, Jakabaring and Plaju.This research was conducted to obtain a movement pattern at the station under review, namely the main channel of Jakabaring Sport City (JSC) using the HEC-RAS ver 4.1.0 program with rainfall data for a 5-year return period (R5) and Q5 flood discharge of 40.87 m3/sec.The results showed that the pattern of water flow movement in the main channel of JSC segment 3, especially in the return period of 5 years of rain at Sta. 0 + 000 (P14) there is an overflow as high as 1.50 m both in the return period (R2, R5, R10, R20 and R50). Meanwhile, over flow height for Sta. 0 + 100 - Sta. 0 + 500 or channel P15-P19 ranges from 0.50 m to 1.00 m and at Sta. 0 + 600 or P20 with a return period of R2, R5, R10, R20 and R50 there is no overflow.


The JSC channel; Flood discharge; IDF curve; HEC-RAS program; Water level fluctuation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v32.1.4182


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