The Effect of the Local Government Policy in Education Planning In North Tapanuli Regency

Sasma Hamonangan Situmorang, Prof. Dr. Marlon Sihombing, MA, Prof. Dr. H. B. Tarmizi, SU


The aim of this study is to analyze government policy in terms of education planning in North Tapanuli to improve the quality of education. The North Tapanuli Government's policy in improving the quality of education in primary school enrollment rates at primary and junior high schools has increased, with a growth rate of 4.79 percent per year at the primary school level and 3.07 percent at the junior high school level, whereas School Participation Rate at the Senior High School level declined with a growth rate of 2.52 percent per year. Education planning in North Tapanuli Regency is conducted with strategies: a) Increasing access and capacity of education services, b) Improving the quality of education, c) Increasing interest in education.



kebijakan pemerintah dan perencanaan pendidikan

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