Analysis Of The 2015-2025 Sectoral Strategy Under the Right To Education Lenses/ Gender Equality And Inclusion In The Light Of The SDG4

Beatrice Perpétue OKOUA


Congo wants to be an emerging country in 2025.However, 15% of the active populations have not received school education,38.4% have a lower and equal level in class6 and 38.5% have a secondary level or only a vocational training level. The2015-2025 education sector-based strategy, in order to find a solution to this challenge and to strain high quality teaching development, suggest the following huddled development activity: Offering a high-quality education to all; Meeting Human Resources Needs for an emerging economy; Making the educational management system efficient. The implementation of the World Educational Agenda within countries calls for an effort to harmonize national policies and plans with the targets and areas of action set out by the Sustainable Development Program. Because the integration of this national policies new agenda will depend on strategic priorities, commitment, planning cycles and the capacity of each country to support the ambitions of this program. That is why the UNESCO in collaboration with the Ministry of Primary, Secondary Education and Illiteracy suggest the SDG integration workshop on policies and sectorial educational plan.


Right, Education, Gender ,Equality, Inclusion,

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