Implementation of Livestock Control Policy (Case Study of Palu City Regulation Number 6 of 2012)

Nasir Mangngasing, Filo Leonardo Tinggogoy, Syugiarto Syugiarto


Abstract - This study aims to determine the process of implementing the Palu City Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2012. The method used in this research is a literature study, which in finding research data refers to secondary data (books, scientific articles / journals and other sources from electronic media). The theory used is the theory put forward by Van Meter and Van Horn (in Agustino, 2008) about the factors that influence policy implementation, including: 1). Measures and Objectives of Policy; 2). Resources; 3). Characteristics of Implementing Agents; 4). Attitude / tendency (disposition) of the implementers; 5). Inter-Organizational Communication and Implementing Activities, as well as; 6). Economic, Social and Political. This theory is used because it can see in detail the factors that influence the policy implementation process, starting from the purpose of making a policy, individual / group implementing policies, coordination between parties in implementing policies and external factors that can affect the policy implementation process itself. The results showed that the process of implementing the Regional Regulation of Palu City Number 6 of 2012 concerning Livestock Control has not gone well. Of the six indicators, only one indicator is met, namely communication between organizations and implementing activities. The other five indicators, such as the size and objectives of the policy, did not work well because the original purpose of the regional regulations was not in accordance with what was expected during the implementation process, the lack of resources in implementing the regional regulations, the characteristics of implementing agents that were not in accordance with what they were going to do. , the attitude of the implementers who do not implement regional regulations optimally and the economic, social and political environment that does not support the process of implementing the regional regulations.




Policy Implementation, Local Regulation, Livestock Control

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