Regarding The Anatomical Structure Of The Stem Of Saponin Plant Species Living In Different Environments

Ergashali Yuldashevich Ruzmatov, Mavluda Sokhibjonovna Mirzaalimova, Husanboy Ergashali ugli Yuldashev


The article analyzes comparative studies of the anatomical structure of annual and perennial stems of endemic, saponin plants (A. tenuifolium, A. rungens and A. albidum) growing in different environments. In the selected plant species, it was confirmed that the hilly groups are primary and the mountain groups are secondary in the atomic structure features of the stem according to the environmental conditions. This view is supported by the appearance and proliferation of internal and concentric conductive bonds in the stems of mountain plants, which are secondary to hilly groups as they age, i.e., the earlier formation of polycambiality.


species, genus, anatomical-morphological sign, saponin, epidermis, phloem, xylem, lub fiber, parenchymal cells, pus.

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