Application Of Remote Sensing And GIS To The Mapping Of The Settlements Exposed To Flooding And Runoff Hazards In The City Of Bohicon, Benin
In recent years, several rainwater drainage works have been implemented in the city of Bohicon through the support of various technical and financial partners. Despite these efforts, the city of Bohicon still experiences runoff and flooding phenomena which have heavy socio-economic and environmental consequences. This research aims to determine the settlements exposed to flooding and runoff hazards in the city of Bohicon by 2030. The main methods used were diachronic land use mapping based on Landsat images from 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2021, hydrological modelling and land use modelling. The results revealed that the area of the settlements exposed to runoff hazards has increased from 568.36 ha in 2006 to 1051.30 ha in 2021; this area could reach 1066 in 2030 ha if the current trend continues. The area of the settlements exposed to flooding has increased from 45.37 ha in 2006 to 85.03 ha in 2021. If this trend continues, this area could reach 95 ha by 2030. The evolutionary trend of the settlements exposed to flooding and runoff hazards remains the same as that of the overall settlements. It is important to reduce investments in the stormwater facilities construction and then declare areas at risk of flooding as unbuildable areas. Appropriate construction measures should be promoted in areas exposed to runoff.
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