Use Of Information And Communication Technologies In Undergraduate Classes Before And After The Pandemic: Perceptions Of Medical Students At A Brazilian University

Marcos Manoel Honorato, Lorena Guimarães Ferreira Honorato, Renata Maria Carvalho Cremaschi, Fernando Morgadinho Santos Coelho


Higher education is a complex process that goes through continuous  transformations over time, from the origins of the University in medieval Europe to the present time. These changes are not uniform and have been driven by the historical and social moments of each nation. The COVID-19 pandemic hit all countries almost simultaneously and required social distancing and other health measures. This forced schools and universities to change their way of teaching, with the flexibility of activities and implementation of remote classes. This study shows the perception of medical students at a Brazilian public university regarding the use of information and communication technologies before and after the pandemic. Most reported that teachers rarely used these resources in their classes before the pandemic, but started to do so frequently after the pandemic, which provoked a positive impact on facilitating the teaching-learning process. The results obtained suggest that pandemic may have been a driving event for the modernization of university education in Brazil and other countries.  


technology; methodology; medical education; university; pandemic

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