The Influence of two Stay Two Stray Learning Model Nuanced by Scientific Literacy on Students’ Learning Competence in SMPN 4 KERINCI

Cahya Septimarmisa, Syamsurizal ., Lufri .


This research is a quasi-experimental research conducted by using Control Group Posttest-Only Design as its research design. The population of the research is all students of class VII in SMPN 4 Kerinci in the academic year of 2017/2018. Purposive sampling was used to determine samples where class VII.1 was chosen as an experimental class and class VII.3 as a control class. Data of the research were students’ competence including cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The instruments of assessment include tests for cognitive competence and observation sheet for affective and psychomotor competence. The data of cognitive competence were analyzed by using the t-test, while affective and psychomotor competence were analyzed by using Mann Whitney U test. The result of the research shows that the students’ natural science learning outcomes were increased and there are significant differences in students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competence by using Two Stay Two Stray learning model nuance by scientific literacy with Direct Instruction (DI) model. The students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor competence on the Two Stay Two Stray model nuance by scientific literacy are better than Direct Instruction (DI) model.


Two Stay Two Stray Model, Scientific Literacy, Students’ Learning Competence.

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