E-Learning Of Effective Communication Improves The Quality Of Workers’ Knowledge In The City Of Padang, West Sumatra

Febriani Febriani, Sapta Eka Putra


E-learning is conducted to change the traditional way of learning in the classroom with learning using the internet so that students can access learning materials and study any time and place. This study aims determine the relationship and benefits of e-learning for workers participating in training at the Padang City Job Training Center, West Sumatra. Descriptive research method was employed to explain the phenomena, situations and conditions in the field as revealed in accordance with the facts in the field. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 200 participants at the Job Training Center, Padang, West Sumatra. The research data consists of primary and secondary data. The indicators used in the research are the learning process, benefits of e-learning, and the obstacles to using e-learning. Data analysis was performed by using Crosstabulation and Chi Square analysis. The results of the study show that (1) the e-learning learning process is more desirable than classroom learning because it is more flexible in terms of time and place while classroom learning is considered more limited and restricted as the information obtained is only from the lecturers in gthe class. (2) The benefits of e-learning for training participants, especially the information obtained is more updated and provides more references, and also is lower in costs. Therefore e-learning indeed increases the ability and transfer of knowledge for the workforce. (3) Obstacles in e-learning include incomplete facilities and infrastructure, such as low computer specifications, slow access and limited number of teachers or lecturers


information, competence, technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v30.1.3897


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