Physical Motor Development Of Early Childhood Through Games
This article will describe the physical motor development of Early Childhood through games. The game that is done is something that is considered mandatory as a means for physical motor development for early childhood. Physical motor development develops in line with the maturity of nerves and muscles. Therefore, every movement that children make, no matter how simple, will produce complex interaction patterns from various parts and systems in the body that are controlled by the brain. These motor skills can be grouped according to the size of the muscles and related body parts, namely gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Games will help early childhood physical motor development, especially traditional games. Traditional games are no longer played in modern conditions like today. Various traditional games can directly contribute to Early Childhood including the development of children's lives including (1) Children learn sportsmanship. (2) Train children's physical abilities. (3) More sociable. (4) Explore creativity. (5) Learn the meaning of working together (6) Increase children's self-confidence Self-confidence. (7) Learn to manage emotions. (8) Teach children to appreciate the achievements of others, and (9) Learn to be democratic.
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