The Influence of Change Readiness on Quality of Communication and Participation of Employees in PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk, Medan

Tira Filzah Masturah, Emmy Mariatin, Eka Danta Jaya Ginting


Changes in the organization are needed for the progress and success of the organization. However, it often leads to rejection by employees. To get employees with the quality of communication and good participation, it required readiness to change from the  employees. This study aims to determine the effect of changing readiness on the quality of communication and participation in companies that experience change. The subjects were 80 employees of PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk., Medan Balaikota Area and sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data were collected using the scale of communication, the scale of participation, and the scale of readiness to change. Data were analyzed statistically using multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis indicate a significant and positive influence of changed readiness on communication and participation. Where the readiness to change gives a significant effect towards communication better than participation. Readiness change gives 98,4% effect toward communication, and 96,7% effect toward participation. It helps the company to recognize the most powerful strategic to improve employees readiness of change, so they could achieve the company purpose.


Change Readiness, Quality of Communication, Participation.

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