The Practicality Of Teachers Book Oriented Research-Based Learning On Science Lesson In Junior High School

Intan Fadilla, Usmeldi Usmeldi


Abstract This research was conducted at SMPN Padang. The focus of this research is the development of a Research-based Teacher's Book on Science Learning for SMP/MTs. This research is motivated by the infrequent use of teachers' books in schools due to various considerations because it is considered that there are still shortcomings in the teacher's books. The type of research that will be conducted is research and development. This development process refers to the development of the Four-D model (4-D model). The 4-D model development model consists of 4 stages, namely: the definition stage, the design stage, the development stage and the deployment stage. The research subjects in this study were junior high school science teachers. To see the readiness of the product in the learning process, data collection was carried out using practical instruments. Based on the results of the practicality instruments carried out, it was found that the practicality of the Teacher's Book based on the teacher's response was in the very practical criteria with an average value of 95.05% thus, the teacher's book was practically used based on the teacher's opinion.


Keywords—teacher’s book, research-based learning, sciense, practicality.

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