Territorial Claim Field (Study of Political Ecology on Indigenous Peoples in Gold Mining Area Gunung Botak)

Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina


The study aims to analyze the extent of spatial territorial claims committed by indigenous peoples and migrants as one of the family's livelihood strategies. The paradigm used is constructivism, with a single case study method that focuses on territorial claims by indigenous peoples and migrants as one of the family's livelihood strategies. The results show that the territorial claims of field constructed by the indigenous peoples of Buru Island are more dominant in the physical territorial claims of field. Because for them the natural resources of gold mining is an Ulayat Right that needs to be maintained as an identity. As for the community of immigrant claims territorial field that is built more non-physical or discourse/issue that the mining area is open access area. Economically, the results of these territorial claims are more beneficial to migrant communities than indigenous peoples because they have networks, venture capital and skills.

Keywords: Territorial claims, field, Indigenous Peoples, Mining Gold


Territorial Claims; Field; Indigenous Peoples; Mining Gold

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v8.1.374


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