L’introduction Des TIC Dans Les Pratiques Pédagogiques Dans Les Collèges Et Lycées De La Région Analamanga (Madagascar)

Tianarivelo RAMAROSANDRATANA, Mirisoa RAKOTOMALALA, Andriniaina Narindra RASOANAIVO, Tiana Andriantsoa RIJAMANANA, Jean Claude Omer ANDRIANARIMANANA


Since the 2000s, ICTs have changed lifestyles on a personal and professional level. The digital resources, computers and gadgets developed the implications in the globalization of knowledge. The research focuses on improving the use of ICT in middle and high school education. The methods of data collection are depending on the type of data which are quantitative and qualitative data. Some public and private schools in the Analamanga Region are ready to align with the digital culture of students while respecting the formal education system. With this practice, teaching adopts its new ways of designing and presenting course content such as using a video projector. Until now, ICT has been seen as an extracurricular activity for students, just like reading. The pedagogical approach 3.0 is enough to combine pedagogical innovation with ICT. The integration of ICT in education requires considerable investment but also teachers training and students orientation to use the several tools and software for educational purposes.


Integration; pedagogy; ICT; secondary education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v29.2.3659


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