Contribution of Indigenous Beliefs and Practices to Sustainable Tourism in Baringo, Kenya

Pleasure Chebus


The achievement of sustainable tourism faces challenges partly because science-based ideas are driving development agenda in Africa and other developing continents despite the fact that they are not holistically applicable. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the contribution of indigenous beliefs and practices towards sustainable tourism in Kenya. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were adopted. The target population was 10000 households of Endorois community of Baringo of whom 150 households were sampled. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain the sample. Secondary and primary sources of data were utilized. The study indicated that community practices are deeply rooted and contribute highly to sustainable tourism. It was recommended that in order to strengthen indigenous beliefs and practices it is necessary to integrate modern practices. This will offer a greater chance of applicability as well as filling the gaps left by declining and unreliable local practices.

Keywords: Indigenous Beliefs and Practices, sustainable tourism, arid and semi arid regions


Indigenous Beliefs and Practices; Sustainable Tourism; Arid And Semi-Arid Regions.

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