The Trends of National and International Scientific Publications of Hadith in Indonesia

Idri Shaffat


This article aims to examine the trends of scientific publications on hadith in Indonesia. The hadith scientific publications can be grouped into two, namely national and international scientific publications that examine the study of hadith, both riwa>yah and dira>yah. The trends in the national publications of riwa>yah hadiths are related to the study of history, law, gender, education, health, politics, and the environment. The trends of national scientific publications on dira>yah hadith deal with the study of isna>d, matn, hadith scholars and thoughts, methodological studies and hadith criticism, Orientalist hadith studies, hadith literature, and hadith studies in the global era.

Meanwhile, the trends of hadith studies in international journals are also divided into two, namely the study of riwa>yah hadith relating to economic, political, education, gender studies, and others. The trends in international journals of hadith have been explored regarding  to the study of isna>d and matn of hadith,  hadith scholars and rija>l al-hadi>th, isna>d system and hadith authenticity, interdisciplinary hadith studies, the history of hadith and the evolution of sunnah concept, methodology of hadith studies, compilation and literature of hadith, hadith theory and criticism, and the study of hadith authority.


hadith, isnad, matn, dirayah, riwayah, scientific publicstion, article, journal

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