The Influence of Consideration of Future Consequences and Self-Control on Sensation Seeking among Alcohol Drinker in Medan

Rahmi Muhammad, Raras Sutatminingsih, Juliana I. Saragih


Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that has impact on the physical, psychoneurological, and social. Alcohol also becomes a trend and being lifestyle for many reasons. There are several factors who consume alcohol and could be motivated by sensation seeking. Sensation seeking is related with consideration of future consequences (CFC) and self-control in alcohol consumption. This study aims to determine the effect of CFC and self-control on sensation seeking in alcohol consumption. This study used accidental sampling technique and involved 221 individuals who consume alcohol in early adults (18-40 years) who consumed alcohol in last three months. The measuring tools used three scales, there are sensation seeking scale, CFC scale, and the self-control scale. The analysis technique is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) CFC had a significant impact on sensation seeking, (2) self-control had no significant impact on sensation seeking, (3) CFC and self-control had an effect on sensation seeking in alcohol consumers in Medan. The implication of this study is CFC and self-control there are factors that influence sensation seeking, although self-control independently does not have a significant impact on sensation seeking in consuming alcohol in Medan.


sensation seeking, consideration of future consequences, self-control, alcohol

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