The Speech Production in People with Autism (Case Study on a Girl Named Aliya Salsabila Ramadhani)

Mu'thia Mubasyira, Zainal Rafli, Endry Boeriswati


The study was conducted with the aim of finding out how speech production in people with autism with the object of research on a girl named Aliya Salsabila Ramadhani who is 9 years old. This research tried to explain the development of language and the production of Aliya speech. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with psycholinguistic approaches that seek to describe the development of aliya language and speech production with narrative and brief exposure with primary data retrieval techniques through observation of video documentation of activities carried out and through questionnaires and interviews. In addition, this study also uses secondary data in the form of relevant references as study material so that holistic and thorough discussion results are obtained. From the characteristics that seem to be known that Aliya is classified as experiencing mild austism. It is also obtained through the analysis of language development and how Aliya interacts with the environment and the surrounding people. The development of language and speech production Aliya experienced significant progress after she received growth and speech therapy and attended the school of children with special needs although the resulting speech is still not perfect and there are certain phoneme pronunciations that are not right.

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