Development of Test Instrument Two Tier Based on Higher Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) on Volta Cell Material for SMA/MA Students

Genia Tarina, Andromeda Andromeda


HOTS is a thinking ability that can lead students to transfer and connect between concepts, process information, solve problems based on the information obtained and examine creative, innovative and critical ideas. With this HOTS, it can improve students' thinking and creativity skills and prepare their abilities to face the industrial revolution 4.0 in the 21st century. The type of research used is research and development (R&D) with the Plomp development model. Based on the results of the content validity research consisting of questions, stimulus questions, answers to questions (first tier) and reasoning questions (second tier) the CVI value was obtained. 0.95, 0.96, 0.95 and 1. The instrument was tested on class XII students of SMAN 3 Payakumbu and 19 items of first tier and second tier questions were empirically valid. Instrument reliability for first tier and second tier respectively namely 0.97 and 0.91. The practicality of the test instrument by the teacher was obtained by a score of 83.33, the practicality of the student obtained a score of 75.11. Based on the data obtained, the developed test instrument is valid, has very high reliability and is practical.

Keywords : test instrument, HOTS, two tier, voltaic cell, Plomp.


Test Instrument, HOTS, Two Tier, Voltaic Cell, Plomp.

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