Mangrove Zonation Study In Carocok Mangrove Forest, West Sumatra : a case study combining field data and UAV

Syafitri Dwiana Sayuti, Erizal Mukhtar, Wilson Novarino


Research on mangrove zoning studies using drones in the Carocok mangrove forest area has been carried out from March to June 2021 in the Carocok area, Koto XI Tarusan, Pesisir Selatan Regency. This study aims to analyze the zonation of the mangrove forest in the Carocok area using drones and field surveys. This research was carried out by taking pictures using a drone and making plots in the field at the tree and sapling level. Based on the results of research with field surveys, Rhizophora apiculata is a type of tree that dominates in this region were found to have a degree of dominance more than 90%. In this study, two mangrove zones were found, namely the front zone and the back zone. The front zone is always inundated by water while the back zone is flooded. It's only flooded at high tide. The results of this study indicated that the observation of mangrove zonation using drones is quite good for calculating the height of mangroves and describing the profile of mangroves on a wide scale, while the observation of mangrove zoning in field surveys is very good for calculating the number of individuals, stem diameters and classification of mangrove species, it is highly recommended by field surveys. For maximum results, higher studies are needed by combining drones with NDVI cameras.


Keywords— Mangrove, Zonation, UAV, Field surveys, Carocok, West Sumatra

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