Germes Pathogènes Des Anoures d’Afrique De l’Ouest : Synthèse Bibliographique
Anurans (frogs, toads, tree frogs, pelobates, pelodytes, ringers, alytes and discoglosses) belong to the class of amphibians and are distinguished by the absence of a tail after metamorphosis. They have a semi-aquatic way of life but as adults, they colonize very diverse environments ranging from wetlands to drier habitats (fields). Anurans fulfill various functions in the maintenance of the ecosystem. They are also of great use to man in terms of food, medicine, ornamental, etc. In spite of their various services, these amphibians are under the threat of various infectious, parasitic and fungal pathologies threatening them with extermination. In fact, the literature abounds in the subject mentioning chytridiomycosis due to the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and ranavirosis due to Ranavirus. Basidiobolus ranarium, responsible for phycomycosis, is also a fungal agent contributing to the decline of anurans. In the wild and in captivity, Aeromonas hydrophila decimates various age classes of anurans through red-leg disease. Also, high levels of helminth infestation cause significant mortality in these animals. In Benin, little scientific work has been done on the Anuran order. Particularly in the sector of anuran health, data are practically non-existent; this field deserves the attention of scientific research, therefore, in view of the protection of this much diversified group that constitute the anurans.
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