Study Of The Current Situation Of The Ubangi Basin In The Face Of Current Geopolitical Challenges

Alphonse K. Benza, Faustin E. Bolia, Jean Jacques D. Amogu, Jocelyn N. Djamano, Jean-Claude M. Tshilumbayi, Ngbolua Koto-te-Nyiwa


Aim : The objective of this study was to evaluate the flow (monthly and annual), the climate model, the plant biomass, the heat islands, the albedo (hourly and monthly), the evaporation, the precipitation and the evapotranspiration of the Oubangui river basin and to follow the evolution of these parameters with data from 1999 to 2018.

Methodology: Thanks to Landsat satellite images and those of the American site Giovanni, we collected data on the flow (monthly and annual), the climate model, plant biomass, heat islands, albedo (hourly and monthly), evaporation, precipitation and evapotranspiration of the Ubangi basin, then analyzed with ArcGis software.

Results: The results showed that the monthly flows of the Oubangui River have dropped from 6,000 to 3,000 m3/Sec) from 1940 to the present. The Maximum Plant Biomass Value NDVI from 1999 to 2018 shows that the Biomass has gone from 65% dense vegetation/pixel (dense forest) to 37% dense vegetation/pixel (very degraded dense forest). The analysis on the evolution of Ground Heat Islands per pixel shows that the temperature has evolved from 29.8°C (hot) in 1999 to 42.63°C (hot) in 2018. The ratio of energy released to energy received from the Sun (albedo) in the Ubangi Sangha basin is in the range of 10.68 to 14.29% annual cumulative albedo. The river loses water by free vaporization from 7 to 14 mm/day.

Conclusion: This study provides information on recent values of parameters such as: discharge (monthly and annual), climate model, plant biomass, heat islands, albedo (hourly and monthly), evaporation, precipitation and evapotranspiration of the Ubangi River basin for which there is not enough information in the literature


Plant Biomass, Heat Islands, Albedo, Precipitation, Climate Model.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Alphonse K. Benza, Faustin E. Bolia, Jean Jacques D. Amogu, Blaise Mbembo Wa Mbembo, Jocelyn N. Djamano, Jean-Claude M. Tshilumbayi

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