Design Of Styrofoam Waste Treatment Equipment For Recycling Crafts Industry

Sumar Hadi Suryo, Ari Teliti Wilarsati


People often use styrofoam as packaging for food products and electronic goods. After using styrofoam, it can be used for various purposes, such as basic materials for children's toys, craft materials, and materials for making glue or adhesives. But most of it becomes waste that can pollute the environment. Styrofoam waste can be recycled into raw material for styrofoam products. The design of this Styrofoam waste treatment machine uses the Pahl and Beitz method which is carried out in four stages, namely planning and explanation, concept design, product design, and detailed design. This Styrofoam waste processing machine is designed based on the need for waste treatment which can later be used by small industries to minimize Styrofoam waste. The results of the design of the styrofoam waste processing machine based on the calculation obtained a capacity of 19526 kg/hour with a rotation of 550 rpm for the counter shaft, 150 rpm for the forming shaft and 1 kW of power. The transmission system uses a v-belt with belt length 1 is type A-73 with L = 1854 mm and belt 2 is type A-78 with L = 1981 mm, pulley d2 is 550 mm d3 145mm, pegs with size 6 mm x 6 mm , bearing type numbered 6204, and on the chopping and forming shafts using SC35C material with a diameter of 20mm each.


Machine design; Styrofoam waste; Pahl and Beitz method.

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