The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model by Paying Attention to Initial Ability to Biology Learning Competencies of Learners Class VIII SMP At-Thayibbah Kerinci
Abstract- The results of observations made in class VIII SMP At-Thayibbah Kerinci show that the competence of students in the realm of knowledge, attitudes and skills is still low. The low competence in learning biology of students is due to the fact that the learning process is still teacher-centered, the initial abilities of students are not considered and in the classroom the teacher is still applying conventional learning. Efforts that can be made to overcome these problems are by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the PBL learning model by taking into account the initial abilities of the biology learning competence of the eighth grade students of SMP At-Thayibbah Kerinci. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental). The population of this study were students of class VIIISMP At-Thayibbah Kerinci who were academically registered in the Year 2020/2021. While the samples were taken by cluster purposive sampling, then the VIIIc class was obtained as the experimental class and the VIIId class as the control class. Data analysis on the hypothesis test of knowledge, attitude and skill competence by using the t-test. The results showed that the value of students' biology learning competence on the respiratory and excretory system material in the experimental class was higher than that of the control class students. The average value of the knowledge competence of the experimental class students is 75.90 and the control class is 66.70. Based on the initial high ability value of the experimental class is 81.20 while the control class is 73.40 and the low initial ability of the experimental class is 70.60 while the control class is 60.00. The average value of the attitude competence of the experimental class is 80.69 and the control class is 72.64. While the average value of the competence of the experimental class is 80.28 and the control class is 73.33. The application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model by taking into account the initial abilities of students is better for the biology learning competence of class VIII students of SMP At-Thayibbah Kerinci.
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