Development of Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) to Investigate Senior High School Student's Misconceptions on Benzene and its Derivatives

Lillah Fitri, Zonalia Fitriza


Abstract—The chemistry material studied in Senior High School has different levels of difficulty. This difficulty is due to misconceptions that occur when students build their knowledge from prerequisite material to complex ones. This study aims to develop a Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) on Benzene and its Derivatives that meet the criteria of a good test instrument and can measure learning outcomes, misconceptions and inhibitory materials. This research procedure consists of three stages, namely (1) defining the content, (2) obtaining information about students' misconceptions, and (3) developing a diagnostic test. The SEDToC development instrument was validated by 5 validators and tested on 20 students who have studied benzene and its derivatives. The results of this study indicate the value of the item validation is 1, the reliability value is 0.91. As for the difficulty index, there are 67% questions with an easy index, 23% with a medium index, and 10% with a difficult index. The value of the discrimination index was found that none of the items was very bad, 32% was bad, 16% was moderate, 35% was good, and 18% was very good out of a total of 57 items. For learning outcomes, only 2 students scored above 80 (Minimum Completeness Criteria). Most of the misconceptions are on questions that require students to determine the nature, nomenclature, and distinguish the structure of benzene and its derivatives. The material inhibiting students in understanding the material of benzene and its derivatives is in the sub material implementing the properties of benzene and its derivatives.


Misconception; Learning Outcome; Inhibitory Materials; Benzene And Its Derivatives; Sedtoc

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