Counseling on The Use of Health Protocols to Prevent The Spread of COVID-19 to Children Through Animated Videos

Ahmad Sanmorino


Through this counseling, the author tries to provide understanding to children about the importance of using health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. This counseling is delivered through animated video shows. The author chose this media because animated video shows are liked by children. Through counseling using animated videos, it is hoped that children will be interested in watching shows and understand the importance of implementing health protocols. After watching the video, several questions were asked as feedback on the counseling that had been delivered. Based on the feedback, 97 percent of the children said they liked the animated video that was displayed. 89 percent of children remember video content, 93 percent know COVID-19, and 84 percent understand the importance of following health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.


health protocols; COVID-19; pandemic; children; animated videos

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