Development of Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) to Investigate Senior High School Student’s Misconception of Hydrolysis Material

Farhan Febly, Zonalia Fitriza


Abstract — Research from various sources proves that the number of students' misconceptions about hydrolysis material is still high, with a minimum number of 23% spread across all concepts related to hydrolysis material. Various diagnostic tests have been developed, but the diagnosis can be biased cause risk of guessing remains and sometimes inconclusive. Developed in the form of an open essay diagnostic test that does not allow guesswork, but the analysis takes a long time. SEDToC is an instrument to investigate students' understanding of chemical concepts. Students' answers were more focused and structured by structured essay. Each question requires a limited answer to a certain concept so that it is easier to analyze. The purpose of study was to identify the misconceptions of students in Hydrolysis Chemistry Learning using Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC), this type of research is research and development (R&D) consists of three main stages Defining the content, Obtaining information about students' misconceptions and developing a Diagnostic Test. This diagnostic instrument is valid and has a reliability of 0.92 of cronbach alpha reliability. The results of this study indicate that there are misconceptions of each indicator. Criteria for students' misconceptions, they are still included in the low category. The average percentage of students who understand is 64%, misconceptions are 16%, and 23% not understand.


Misconception; Hydrolysis; SEDToC Test; Diagnostic test; Structured Essay

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