Development of Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) on Acid-Base As an Instrument For Analysis Of Student Learning Outcomes

Nurmaya Nurmaya, Zonalia Fitriza


AbstractThe misconceptions experienced by students towards a material will have an impact on learning difficulties in other materials. This study aims to produce a Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) test instrument that can identify misconceptions, inhibiting materials and analyze student learning outcomes on Acid-Base that meet good criteria in terms of validity, reliability, difficulty index and distinguishing power. The research procedure consists of three stages, namely the stage of determining the content, the stage of obtaining information about the misconceptions experienced by students and the stage of developing the SEDToC test instrument. The test instrument was validated by 5 chemists. The test instrument was tested on 20 students of class 11th grade at SMAN 12 Padang. The results showed that the Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) test instrument on Acid-Base for senior high school students developed was content valid, having a very high reliability of 0.94. Analysis of the difficulty index of the SEDToC test instrument showed that there were 36 questions in the  easy category, 13 questions in the medium category and 10 questions in the difficult category. The analysis in terms of differentiating power of the questions obtained as many as 18 questions in the bad category, 18 questions in the sufficient category, 20 questions in the good category and 3 questions in the very good category. Based on the results of the study using the Structured Essay Diagnostic Test of Chemistry (SEDToC) test instrument on the Acid-Base, it was proven that the SEDToC test instrument could identify misconceptions, inhibiting materials and analyze student learning outcomes.


misconceptions, inhibitory materials, learning outcomes, acid-base, SEDToC

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