Development Of Problem Based Learning Oriented Science Module With Concept Map For VII Class Students SMP N 1 Kec. Guguak
Based on the results of interviews with science teachers, teachers tend to use lecture and discussion methods in learning, besides the teaching materials used are not in accordance with learning needs.Based on the results of student questionnaire analysis, it is known that the appearance of the teaching materials used is less attractive, thus affecting learning motivation. Students also stated that the concept map presented was not yet fully in accordance with the scope of the material being studied and as many as 73% of students stated that the language in the books used was difficult to understand. This has an impact on the low understanding of the material and the ability to connect students' concepts. This can affect the learning achievement of students on the material being studied. Based on this, a development research was carried out which aims to produce a science module oriented problem based learning with concept mapsvalid, practical, and effective. This development research uses the Plomp development model which consists of three stages, namely initial investigation, prototyping, and assessment. The research subjects were students of class VIISMP N 1 Kec. Guguak. The object of the research is the class VII science module. The data were analyzed descriptively and experimentally by presenting the data contained in the field. The results showed that the IPA module oriented problem based learning with concept mapsobtained a value of 88.51% with a very valid category. The practical value of student responses is 91.63% in the very practical category and the teacher's response value is 94.20% in the very practical category. This practicum module is categorized as effective because the experimental class shows an increase in competence in knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Based on this, it can be concluded that Problem Based Learning Oriented Science Module Accompanied by Concept Maps for Class VII Students of SMP N 1 Kec. Guguak can be declared valid, practical and effective.
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