Development Of Guided Inquiry-Based Flipped Classroom Learning System On Reaction Rate For 11th Grade Senior High School Students
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many life changes, including education. Learning that was previously done face-to-face must be done online. The guided inquiry was a student-centered learning model, in which the students can build their own concepts so that learning can be more meaningful. In order to support this, a flipped classroom was needed that allowed teachers and students to optimize study time. This study aimed to develop and reveal the validity and practicality of the guided inquiry-based flipped classroom learning system on the reaction rate material for 11th-grade high school students. This research used a Research and Development (RnD) with the Plomp development model. The subjects of this study were students of class XI SMA, chemistry teachers, and chemistry lecturers at Padang State University. The instruments used were validity sheets for validity test and practicality sheets for practicality test.
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