Measuring Purchase Intention of Halal Meat in Traditional Markets Using Extended Theory of Planned Behavior

Muhammad Basir Basir Paly


This study aims to evaluate Religiosity (REL) as an independent variable on the Purchase Intention (PUR) of halal beef in traditional markets via Theory of Planned Bihavior (TPB) which was extended with the addition of the REL variable. Conducred in Gowa Regency, Indonesia for 4 months. Using survey method, data were collected through observation and interviews deploying a questionnaire. Research populations were all halal beef consumers in 17 traditional markets in Gowa. Total 105 samples purposively determined from 7 traditional markets as sampling areas with every traditional market contributed 15 consumers. The observed variables were Attitude (ATT), Subjective Norm (SN), Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), and REL which were operationalized into indicators that could be measured using a five-point Likert scale.  For validity and reliability instrument tests were conducted on 30 respondents. The results showed that ATT, SN, PBC, and REL have a positive and significant effect on PUR halal beef. The higher the REL value, the stronger the effect on PUR. This is because halal beef consumers in Indonesia are not only influenced by religious values, but also strengthened by institutional regulations from the government. This study concludes that REL can be used as the main variable as ATT, SN and PBC in predicting halal beef PUR.


halal beef, religiositas, purchase intention, theory of planned behavior

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