The Urbanization Of The City Of Bukavu And Its Involvement In The Socio-Economic Situation Of The Urban Population, South Kivu, Democratic Republic Of Congo
This study examines the urbanization of the city of Bukavu and the implications for the socio-economic situation of the inhabitants. It aims to determine the impacts of increasing urbanization on the socio-economic life of the population in order to propose strategies to reconcile urbanization and the improvement of the living conditions of the urban population. The methodology combined field observations, household survey and interviews. The aspects covered are mainly household characteristics and socio-economic characteristics. The survey covered a sample of 150 households for the entire city in terms of 50 households per municipality. The questionnaire was submitted to the public from March to April 2020. The survey results show that the population of this city lives in difficult conditions with precarious housing whose plots do not meet the standards, difficult access to drinking water with dramatic consequences on the health of the population, difficult access to electricity, the virtual absence of public hygiene services... From the statistical analysis of Chi-square that we carried out, it follows that there is no relationship between the variables tested including membership in a municipality and other variables that have been the subject of this analysis. This conclusion is made by the fact that the p-values obtained at the end of this test are well above 0.05 as the results demonstrate. The impacts of urbanization are clearly negative in this city, which needs to be given special attention to reconciling urban development with improving the living conditions of the urban population.
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