The Effectiveness Of Ion Equilibrium And Ph Of Salt Solution E-Modules Based On Guided Inquiry Learning For Student's Learning Outcomes

Fikri Aulia, Andromeda Andromeda


This study aims to test the effectiveness of an integrated virtual laboratory-based guided inquiry e-module on ion balance material and the pH of a salt solution whose validity and practicality are known. The research method used is a quasi-experimental in the form of a nonequivalent control group design. The research site is at SMA Negeri 5 Padang with a population of class XI students at SMA Negeri 5 Padang for the academic year 2020/2021 and sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used multiple choice questions with 5 answer choices with good question criteria. The effectiveness of e-modules was analyzed from improving student learning outcomes through N-Gain testing with the result of g = 0.59 which stated that e-modules were effectively used to improve student learning outcomes with moderate criteria. Improved student learning outcomes using guided inquiry-based e-modules compared to student learning outcomes that did not use guided inquiry-based e-modules in learning through hypothesis testing. Data processing from the sample class showed an increase in student learning outcomes that were normally distributed with homogeneous variance.


Effectiveness, Guided Inquiry, E-module, Ionic Equilibrium and pH of Salt Solutions, Learning Outcomes

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