The Impact of Global Warming Potential on Pasteurized Goat Milk Production (Case Study from Rantiang Ameh Ranch, Agam Regency, West Sumatra)

Mely Yusra, Fauzan Azima, Novizar Nazir


The livestock sector is responsible for 14% of total Green House Gasses (GHG) (European Commission (EC), 2019). Life cycle Assessment (LCA) method is a mechanism for analyzing and calculate the total environmental impact of a product in each stage of its life cycle. This LCA study was conducted on pasteurized goat milk produced in the Milk Processing Unit (MPU) Rantiang Ameh and is limited in the scope of cradle to gate where analysis of the production process starting from the feeding process (cradle), maintenance, milking, and pasteurized milk processing. Functional unit used is FPCM (Fat Protein Corrected Milk). This research was conducted with 2 scenarios. Scenario 1 is the existing condition in the field where forage feed is taken directly from nature without the planting process and scenario 2 it is assumed that forage feed is planted on the land special. The results of the life cycle inventory analysis of pasteurized goat's milk production in Rantiang Ameh Farm which has been carried out using SimaPro 9.0.0 software with Ecoinvent 3.5 database and baseline CML method on impact analysis, the amount of CO2 emissions equivalents that have an impact on GWP in one cycle of pasteurized goat milk production in scenario 1 of 3.52 kg CO2 eq/FPCM Milk and scenario 2 of 4.73 kg CO2 eq/FPCM milk



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