Current status of the e-learning research field: Challenges and opportunities in the e-learning research field during COVID-19 pandemic
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L. B. Furstenau, M. K. Sott, L. M. Kipper, Ê. L. Machado, J. R. López-Robles, M. S. Dohan, M. J. Cobo, A. Zahid, Q. H. Abbasi, and M. A. Imran, “Link between sustainability and industry 4.0: trends, challenges and new perspectives,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 140079-140096, 2020.
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A. Faz-Mendoza, N. K. Gamboa-Rosales, C. Medina-Rodríguez, M. A. Casas-Valadez, A. Castorena-Robles, and J. R. López-Robles, "Intelligent processes in the context of Mining 4.0: Trends, research challenges and opportunities." pp. 480-484.
C. E. Medina-Rodríguez, M. A. Casas-Valadez, A. Faz-Mendoza, R. Castañeda-Miranda, N. K. Gamboa-Rosales, and J. R. López-Robles, "The cyber security in the age of telework: A descriptive research framework through science mapping." pp. 1-5.
M. A. Casas-Valadez, A. Faz-Mendoza, C. E. Medina-Rodriguez, M. Cobo, N. K. Gamboa-Rosales, and J. R. López-Robles, "Research trends in Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Knowledge Management approach: A science mapping from 2007 to 2020." pp. 1-6.
C. E. Medina-Rodríguez, M. Casas-Valadez, A. Faz-Mendoza, A. Castorena-Robles, N. Gamboa-Rosales, and J. R. López-Robles, "Decision Management in the telework context: Trends, challenges and implications." pp. 307-311.
J.-R. López-Robles, M.-A. Casas-Valadez, A. Guzmán-Fernández, C. Monjaraz-Frausto, A. Castorena-Robles, and N.-K. Gamboa-Rosales, "Understanding the relationship between e-learning and web 2.0: A bibliometric and thematic analysis from 2006 to 2020." pp. 290-295.
A. Castorena-Robles, N.-K. Gamboa-Rosales, A. Faz-Mendoza, M.-A. Casas-Valadez, C.-E. Medina-Rodríguez, and J.-R. López-Robles, "Exploring the role of Medical Decision Making in Biotechnology field through science mapping." pp. 403-407.
M. A. Casas-Valadez, A. Faz-Mendoza, C. E. Medina-Rodríguez, A. Castorena-Robles, N. K. Gamboa-Rosales, and J. R. López-Robles, "Decision Models in Marketing: The role of Sentiment Analysis from bibliometric analysis." pp. 561-565.
N.-K. Gamboa-Rosales, A. Castorena-Robles, M.-A. Casas-Valadez, M.-J. Cobo, R. Castañeda-Miranda, and J.-R. López-Robles, "Decision Making using Internet of Things and Machine Learning: A bibliometric approach to tracking main research themes." pp. 1-6.
M. A. Casas-Valadez, A. Faz-Mendoza, C. E. Medina-Rodríguez, R. Castañeda-Miranda, N. K. Gamboa-Rosales, and J. R. López-Robles, "The synergic relationship between e-commerce and Sentiment Analysis: A content analysis of published articles between 2007 and 2020." pp. 1-5.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Cecilia Monjaraz-Fraustro, Mariano Alberto Casas-Valadez, José Israel Ayala Aguilera, Luis Daniel López-Robles, Rubén Alvarez Diez, José Ricardo López-Robles

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