A Cloud Computing Platform On File Storage And Sharing Using Rijndeal Algorithms

Okafor Loveth Ijeoma, Anozie Ekenechukwu Lilian, Olayiwola Abisola Ayomide, Royransom Nzeh, Ikedilo Obiora Emeka, Udenze Loveth Ifunanya, Uzo Blessing Chimezie


In today’s business world, every organization, companies and private individuals store their files online which is being monitored by untrusted individuals (Third Party) which are the manager and owner of cloud. Optimized security mechanism for file storage and sharing in a cloud computing platform using Rijndeal encryption algorithms is a platform to optimize the security of file and document against fraudsters. The goal of this paper is to implement file storage and sharing in a cloud computing platform using Rijndeal encryption algorithm. The proposed system aid encryption and sharing of encrypted files, it also lock the files in cloud before sharing it and ensure that users have full control of their files by using two factor authentications mechanism and encrypting the files before storing it which will prevent it from being hacked. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design methodology (OOAD) was used to analyze and design the system, whereas the implementation was carried out using PhP and My-SQL database management system. The accomplishment of this project enables firms, individuals and companies to store files and document in cloud environment without fear of any kind.


File Storage, Cloud Computing Platform, Rijndeal Algorithms.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v27.2.3229


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Copyright (c) 2021 Okafor Loveth Ijeoma, Anozie Ekenechukwu Lilian, Olayiwola Abisola Ayomide, Royransom Nzeh, Ikedilo Obiora Emeka, Udenze Loveth Ifunanya

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