Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis And Differential Diagnosis Of Pandas Syndrome In Children: Review
In recent years, an assumption has been made about the connection of various choreiform hyperkinesis, tics, myoclonus, and neurosis-like obsessive states in children with β-hemolytic streptococcus group A (BHSA). Currently, early diagnosis of a number of autoimmune diseases, including those caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus group A and the development of differential diagnostic criteria for PANDAS syndrome, as well as the choice of treatment tactics and the prevention of complications in this pathology, is very relevant. PANDAS syndrome, in contrast to minor chorea, is characterized by local, easily stopped tics, with debut disease from 5 years to 12 years. The developed differential diagnostic criteria and the algorithm for the diagnosis of PANDAS syndrome will allow timely diagnosis and application of the necessary treatment tactics.
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