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Prof.Dr.Lic.rer.reg. Sirojuzilam,SE
Department of R egional and Rural Development Planning, North Sumatera University, Indonesia
J alan Dr. Mansur, Medan – Indonesia
Prof. Dr. H.B Tarmizi SE,SU
Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and business, University of Sumatera
Utara, North Sumatera, Indonesia
J alan Dr. Mansur, Medan – Indonesia
Saniman .
Department of Regional and Rural Development Planning, North Sumatera University
J alan Dr. Mansur, Medan - Indonesia
ResearcherID: J-1399-2016
DOI : 10.52155
Impact Factor:
ICV = 82.40
SJIF = 7.019
IFSIJ = 7.625
IJIFM = 7.36