Educational Assessment System in Japan, Germany, and Indonesia; a Comparative Study
Assessment is an essential aspect of education. Assessment in Indonesia has been carried out with various efforts to improve the quality of education in this country. However, this has not been optimal in producing good quality education. In an effort to improve the quality of educational assessment in Indonesia, a comparative study of the assessment system can be carried out in countries with good quality education and internationally recognized education, such as Japan and Germany. Although the two countries are advanced in various fields, the implementation of the assessment has its own characteristics. The similarity of the assessment systems of the two countries is that they do not use the national exam as a benchmark for students' graduation to move up to the next level of the education unit. The assessment system applied also contributes to the happiness index of the people in the country. Therefore, learning from the educational assessment systems of Japan and Germany, many aspects must be considered when adopting them for use in other countries, for example, in Indonesia. Various aspects of the education assessment and their best practices are described in this article.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rahmawati Darussyamsu, Rusdinal Rusdinal, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Azwar Ananda

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