The Practicality of Development Research on The Two-Variable Linear Equation System Topic Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Students in Class VIII SMP
This study aims to determine the practicality of the learning design for the topic of the two-variable linear equation system based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). A two-variable linear equation is an equation that has only two variables and each variable has the power of one. While the two-variable linear equation system is a unit of several similar two-variable linear equations. The topic of a two-variable linear equation system is one of the learning topics that is close to the daily lives of students and is expected to be able to assist students in developing problem solving skills and mathematical communication skills. The development of the learning design was carried out by combining two designs, namely the Plomp development design and the Gravemeijer and Cobb development. Meanwhile, to find out the practicality of the learning design that has been designed, data collection is carried out in the form of questionnaires by teachers and students. The data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative analysis. From this study, it was found that the designed RME-based learning of two-variable linear equation system topic was practical. So that the learning design of the RME-based two-variable linear equation system topic which is implemented in teacher's books and student's books can be used to develop problem solving skills and mathematical communication skills of students in class VIII SMP.
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