The Diffusion Of Learning Innovation Based On Electronic Learning System (E-Learning)

Adi Bandono, Okol Sri Suharyo, Ali Mashudi


Along with the times, the learning process is no longer focused on a particular education center that we understand so far, such as campuses, schools, courses, or training centers. Learning process activities innovate and are aimed at being more affordable in terms of the use of space and time. The problem in this research is how the learning innovation is based on electronic systems. The purpose of this research is to know the diffusion and some innovations in e-Learning. This study uses a mixed-method, namely a combination of qualitative and quantitative by conducting interviews and questionnaires. The analytical method used is the Borda technique to rank the selected criteria.  The results of the research show that the most influential thing on innovation efforts in the education system, especially in efforts to adopt technology, is the professionalism of teacher educators, adjusting the applicable curriculum model, and increasing the skills and knowledge of teachers.


Diffusion of educational innovation, E-learning, Technology adoption, Borda analysis

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