Educational Ideas Of Reformers In Turkestan In The Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries

Kazimova Gulnora Khakimovna


This article reflects the main features of the development of enlightenment in Turkestan. The advanced views of such enlighteners as Ahmad Donish (1827-1897), Sattarkhan Abdulgafarov (1843-1902), Furkat (1858-1909), Berdakh (1827-1900) are reflected. the course of enlightenment, which acquired a certain political connotation at the beginning of the twentieth century, demanded educational reforms, the opening of new-method schools, the creation of theater troupes. study secular sciences, languages of other peoples, etc. The role of such enlighteners as Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Minovar-Kori Abdurashidkhanov, who played a huge role in their educational activities in the development of enlightenment of the Turkestan region, including Uzbekistan, is especially indicated.


Jadidism, enlighteners, enlightenment, Young Bukharians, reform, Muslim society, new method schools, market relations, ideology, ideological movement, capitalist relations, cognition, emirate, political system, transformation, early period, secular knowle

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