A Comparative Study Of The Effect Of BMI On Labour Outcomes, Delivery Process, And Postpartum Women's Health, At Governmental Hospitals In Two Libyan Cities

Obaid A. Alwan, Fahima A. Albeshti, Adel Mahfoud, Islam M. Hamoudah


Abstract – This clinical study was carried out on postpartum women in two public hospitals during mid-2020. Analysis of collected data was done by using Descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages Inferential statistics (X2-test &t-test), p-value less than 0.05 considered to be statistically significant. The 95% confidence interval was used to estimate a value range for an unknown parameter. The results of comparison between average age, height, weight, and body mass index characteristics of postpartum women for overweight and normal-weight groups in the study areas were addressed, there was no statistical significance at p 0.05 except for the weight and height variables in the normal- weight group, which in turn showed statistically significant differences. On the other hand, the results of labor induction and cesarean delivery were statistically significant in overweight and obese group compared to normal weight in the studied community at Zawia Hospital, where (Chi-square value = 13.52, p <0.00, 95% CI of OR = 3.702 (1.818, 7.541) And (Chi-square value = 63.43, p <0.00, 95% CI of OR = (0.116 (0.054, 0.251)). In the same context, statistical analyzes showed that there is a statistical significance when induction of labor for women with normal weight compared to overweight And obese patients in Al-Galaa Hospital, and their values were (Chi-square value = 8.72, p <0.003, 95% CI of OR = 0.348 (0.171, 0.710).


Aim: This study aims to compare and investigate the effect of body mass index on labour outcomes at two Libyan city hospitals in mid-2020.


BMI , labour outcomes , delivery , postpartum women .

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v26.1.2976


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