The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Readiness to Change in Correctional Office at Sibolga City

Habibi Siregar, Abdhy Aulia Adnans, Sherry Hadiyani


The Correctional Office at Sibolga City is making changes of  work system and service. The changes include building an integrity zone in the form of corruption prevention, bureaucratic reform, improving public services, and changing work systems by utilizing information technology. Implementing this change requires high level of employee readiness. Increasing employee readiness to change may be influenced by perceived organizational support. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of perceived organizational support on employee readiness to change in the face of change. This study involved 95 employees at the Correctional Office at Sibolga City. The measuring instrument used in this study is a scale of employee readiness to change and a scale of perceived organizational support. Based on the results of the regression analysis, it shows that perceived organizational support have a positive and significant effect on employee readiness to change. The implication in this research is that Correctional Office at Sibolga City can increase readiness to change by increasing positive perceptions of organizational support.


Correctional, Employee Readiness To Change, Perceived Organizational Support

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