Development of Microbiology Learning Animation Videos for Biology Students at Padang State University

Febry Melda, Dwi Hilda Putri


Abstract. Along with the development of era , science knowledge and technology are also experiencing growth. There for a media learning is a means or a tool that is used by educators to convey a message of learning to students. This study aims to produce a learning media product in the form of an animated video on a microbiology course on the basic concepts of microbiology. Subject Test try on research this is a student of biology S1 Faculty of Mathematics and Science Knowledge Natural (Natural Sciences), University of Negeri Padang (UNP) half of July to December 2020 . The results showed that the learning media products in the form of animated videos were validated and in the very valid category. Classically the results of validation by experts (material, media and language experts) on the didactic aspect were 95.83% , on the construct aspect, the value was 93.75% , on the technical aspect, the validation value was 91.66% and the validation value on the graphic aspect gets a value of 100% . The practicality test that was tested on lecturers who taught basic microbiology courses and tested on students got very practical results. In the practicality test, the subject lecturer got a score of 92.50%, the practicality test for small group students got a score of 90.53% and the practicality test for large group students got a value of 91.06%.

Keywords: animation video, microbiology, development.


Animation Video, Microbiology, Development.

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