The Analysis Practicality Of Problem-Based Learning Model Accompanied By Metacognition Instructions To Improve Statistical Reasoning Skill Students

Nur Rosliah, Ahmad Fauzan, I Made Arnawa, Daharnis Daharnis


This research is focused on the prototype development stage to see the practicality of learning devices in developing a Problem-Based Learning model accompanied by Metacognition Instructions. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The informants in this study were students of Mathematics Education at IAIN Kerinci and lecturers of Mathematics at IAIN Kerinci. This study uses instruments 1) In-depth interview sheets for students and lecturers of Mathematics at IAIN Kerinci; 2) Participant Observation; and 3) Documentation. The results of the data analysis, the practicality of learning devices has an average with an excellent category for all aspects. It means learning devices developed based on the Problem-Based Learning model accompanied by Metacognition Instructions to improve statistical reasoning skill students is practical.  


Practicality Analysis, Problem Based Learning, Metacognition Instruction, Statistical Reasoning Skill.

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